Carbon Literacy Learning for SMEs

Who is this course designed for?

Individuals or teams working within Small & Medium Sized Businesses.  This is a great opportunity to learn, with colleagues and peers, about the causes and impacts of Climate Change as well as the actions SMEs can put in place to reduce emissions and help secure a Net Zero future.

Course Objectives:

  • Establish Climate Change Fundamentals:

Wherever you are on your climate journey, deep-dive into the causes & impacts of our Anthropocene climate crisis to understand key emissions drivers and

put the fire in the belly for climate action, personally & professionally.  What is the greenhouse effect?  What are the greenhouse gases and which are most potent?  Why are we so confident in the science?  What are the impacts of climate change on people & planet?

  • Understand Climate Policy:

What is the global policy landscape on climate and what’s happening in the UK and likely to impact SMEs?  We’ll talk about COPs (Conference of the Parties  – not police!), the UK Climate Change Act of 2008, the UK Decarbonisation Plan, Sustainability Reporting, legislation for SMEs and what’s happening more locally.  This section is designed to give you understanding of how we got to where we are today and how the future might shape, through the lens of policy.  It’s important grounding for individuals & businesses.

  • Destigmatise Climate Goals & Measurement:

“What gets measured gets done!”

 Learn the lingo of Net Zero & Carbon Footprinting, at an individual and organisational level.  What does it mean to pledge to Net Zero?  How does that differ from Carbon Neutral?  Should we be offsetting?  What do we mean by Scope 1, 2 & 3?  Where do I start?!

  • Taking Climate Action as an Individual

Looking at our own personal footprints through the lens of GIKI and our own key levers of change.

  • Taking Climate Action as an Employee & Business

Looking at the 7 SME Steps to Net Zero, from leadership engagement to building a climate transition plan.  This will help tackling climate change and emissions as an organisation and employee seem more feasible, approachable, logical and bitesize for SMEs, giving clarity on where to start and the stepping stones on the journey to Net Zero.

  • Becoming a Confident Climate Communicator

Exploring what it takes as an individual and as an organisation to talk confidently about climate change and climate action and how to positively influence others, touching on impact reports, social media, websites, tone of voice & good old fashioned face to face conversations.

Course Outline:

The course is split into 2 distinct sections.  The first half of the course focuses on understanding climate change, policy and frameworks.  The second half focuses on what this means for SMEs and employees in building a climate action plan.


At the end of the training course, we will invite you to pledge 2 actions, one as an individual and one as part of a wider group.  These action pledges must be submitted within 2 weeks of completing your course in order to be certified Carbon Literate & be awarded your shiny certificate.  Please note, you are not guaranteed certification.  Certification is awarded to individuals who are deemed to have pledged significant individual and group actions.  But don’t worry, we will support you to find the right and significant actions for you.  

We can also discuss whether you want to explore working towards making your organisation a ‘Carbon Literate Organisation’ with The Carbon Literacy Project at Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level, recognising your investment in training your people to become carbon literate and therefore more climate active. 

Post Course:

We want to support you in your Carbon Literacy & Climate Action journey.  This shouldn’t stop when you leave the classroom at the end of the course.  We invite you to join a 1 hour group call a week after the workshop where you can ask any further questions about your action pledges or share reflections.  We also invite you to join a Carbon Literacy Alumnae Group on Linked In to continue this conversation, share tips & experiences and encourage each other on our Climate Action journeys.


For Individual Participants: £150 per attendee (+VAT) for the 2 days, including certification with the Carbon Literacy Course.

For Groups & Teams: Bespoke pricing upon inquiry

There is a cost involved in the certification process that is paid direct to the Carbon Literacy Project (the not-for-profit who carry out the certification and invest their income in turn in reaching the harder to reach audiences with critical Carbon Literacy Training).  The certification fee of £10 is covered within your course fees.  No additional payment is required.

Charitable Donations:

Plans With Purpose is committed to donating 5% of all training fees to charity.  The company has so far donated £17,000 to 39 different global and local charities, helping spark change where it matters.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss running a bespoke training course for your team or organisation.